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GROWING in our faith

Baby Baptism Ceremony
Baptism and Beyond


Becoming part of God's family begins in the waters of baptism.  We believe this is God's gift of love for people of any age!  As baptized members of God's family, we come together to worship, learn about God, our faith, and how we can live out our faith in our daily lives.

As a congregation we encourage faith formation of people old and young alike; offering adult Sunday School, women's Bible study, as well as one-on-one instruction for those seeking to know more about the Christian faith.

Contact Pastor Mary Eide at or 715-879-5115 to inquire about baptism, faith formation or being welcomed as a member of our church.  



We are a church that values providing a safe and welcoming place for children to learn about their faith, and stories of the Bible.

Sunday School (8:45-9:45am) runs from mid-Sep, through the mid-May.


Our 3-years old through 6th Graders  learn the stories of the Bible and about their Christian faith through storytelling, movies, crafts and snacks – utilizing the SPARKS curriculum.  They also engage in activities centered around generosity and caring for the needs of all God has created.

7th and 8th Grade Confirmation (snacks 3:20-3:30 class until 4:30pm)
All students of this age are welcome to join us as we walk through a 2-year cycle of learning foundational truths from the Bible and Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.  Activities also include group prayer, service projects, and writing faith statements.


High School through Adults participate together in an inter-generational Bible study.  We discuss the Bible text for that Sunday's worship, and share what's going on in their lives.​




We value the presence of youth in our congregation, and seek to help them develop relationships with others of our faith...and learn to respect the faith of others.


Youth are encouraged to be active members who assist with being part of our worship ministry, serving our neighbors and all while learning how to live Christ-like lives.


There are opportunities to go to Luther Park Bible Camp, gather with local youth, and attend local and national youth gatherings.


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